CD / Free in One


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When I was a little boy, in addition to cello, I really wanted to play the drums. So I learned to play the drums privately for a while. I often sang melodies for myself, to which I simultaneously created oral rhythms. I mixed them with melodies and created my own music world. I only dared to connect with the cello when I was thirty and preparing a CELLO project dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach. Since then, I have gradually incorporated this connection into solo concert programs and it has become part of my own musical language. I tried to record them on CD 15 years ago, but I was not satisfied with the result. But now the right time has come and I am happy to present you Free in One – cello, my voice and oral rhythms – my own compositions complemented by compositions by Tavener, Bloch and Godár.

It will be an honor for you to be drawn into the sound and space of the music of my songs and thus support the creation of this CD. Thank you in advance for your support.

Jozef Lupták

FREE in ONE – Jozef Lupták

violončelo, hlas, beatbox ~ cello, voice and beatbox 

  1. Song Without Words – Pieseň bez slov – 3:56 (Jozef Lupták)
  2. Six Months – Šesť mesiacov – 2:32 (Jozef Lupták)
  3. Deep Breath – Hlboký nádych – 5:42 (Jozef Lupták)
  4. Jewish Prayer – Židovská modlitba – 3:35 (Ernest Bloch)
  5. Gitanjali – Gitándžali – 5:28 (Jozef Lupták) 
  6. Threnos – Threnos – 5:18 (John Tavener)
  7. Waiting – Čakanie – 5:46 (Jozef Lupták) 
  8. O, Crux, meditation for solo cello – Ó, Crux, meditácia pre sólové violončelo – 9:04 (Vladimír Godár)
  9. Three In One – Tri v jednom 4:25 (Jozef Lupták)

CD / Free in One

SKU 01031 Category